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Making it 

A story of a man trying to make it in the music industry 


We developed this film entirely on zoom due to the global pandemic and only first met in person to shoot. Despite the circumstances, I gained so much experience from the academy and I am so grateful for my incredible mentors. It was my first time making formal shot lists and call sheets. 

click the attachment link to see the call sheets and shot list i made for this project 

photo 03-11-2021, 5 25 52 pm.jpg
photo 03-11-2021, 5 26 02 pm.jpg

I'm so grateful for my mentors Radi, Nick and Dan for their support. The following attachments are the recommendations they wrote for my application to National Youth Film Academy. 

"Matilda displayed an advanced level of creativity, leadership, intelligence and determination that is quite rare among her age group"

"She has demonstrated formidable creativity, superb teamworking skills and applied a keen resourcefulness"

"She exercises focus, commitment, understanding of film and storytelling techniques as well as an open mind that allows her to listen to others perspectives and advice while keeping her creative vision in mind"

final cut

behind the scenes

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